Abidjan Terminal launches work to modernize its gatehouses

Abidjan Terminal, a subsidiary of Africa Global Logistics (AGL) and operator of the 1st container terminal of the port of Abidjan, began on July 5, 2024 on its site in Vridi, work to install an optical character recognition system also known as OCR (Optical Character Recognition), at its import gatehouse. This latest-generation control system, equipped with cameras with high-speed reading, will allow the automatic registration of trucks and containers, at the entrance and exit of the terminal.

Scheduled for 6 months, this work, once completed, will promote better fluidity at the terminal thanks to the improvement of truck handling and the increase in the productivity of carriers. This innovation will also enhance the security of goods thanks to its functionalities that guarantee the traceability of transport vectors and containers.


«This project is in line with our vision of modernizing the Abidjan Terminal facilities. Our long-term ambition is to offer our partners and customers facilities that meet their needs and support the economic and social development of the West African sub-region. Our leitmotif is to digitize operations related to the passage of goods in order to facilitate commercial exchanges.» Asta-Rosa CISSE, General Manager of Abidjan Terminal

This work aims to dematerialize the import and export access operations of the terminal with a view to providing port stakeholders with an infrastructure that meets international standards and is capable of supporting the economic growth of Côte d’Ivoire and the countries of the hinterland.

Source : AGL