ANAMS launches the 2nd phase of its training program for players in Senegal’s artisanal fishing sector

Photo : MPEM

This Tuesday, January 2, 2024, the National Association of Mareyeurs of Senegal (ANAMS) launched the second phase of its training program dedicated to players in the artisanal fishing sector. This initiative aims to enhance the skills of 984 professionals, divided between 400 learners focusing on fish product processing and 584 concentrating on Plant Maintenance and Vessel Maintenance techniques. The total cost of this phase is 120 million CFA, financed with the support of 3FPT. The areas targeted for training include Bargny, Mbour and Mboro.

The launch ceremony was presided over by the Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Economy, Mr. Papa Sagna MBAYE. In his speech, the Minister expressed his gratitude to ANAMS for its commendable initiative, and acknowledged the financial support of 3FPT. He underlined the importance of this training in relation to the will of the President of the Republic, who has advocated the active involvement of the Senegalese people in the exploitation of oil and gas, throughout the process. This presidential vision was formalized by the adoption of a law in the National Assembly, entitled the “Local Content Law”.

The event was well attended by the President of ANAMS, Mr. Thierno MBENGUE, the Director of Industries de Transformation des Produits de la Pêche, Ms. Sophie DIALLO, and the Mayor of Bargny, Mr. Djibril FAYE.