• From 30 to 31 May, Operation ATALANTA has gathered the most relevant maritime operations in the Northwest Indian Ocean, Gulf of Aden, the Gulf, and the Red Sea with the shipping industry in the “15th Industry Strategic Meeting”.
  • The main objective of this meeting is to synchronize efforts and improve cooperation on maritime security between military operations and the international Shipping Industry.

During the second day the 15th Industry Strategic Meeting, which focuses on the Maritime Security Dialogue, the conversation focused on topics that ranged from the Maritime Security Companies perspective, the Threats in the Red Sea, the Legal Strategies and measures, and the Regional Maritime Security Architecture. The speakers were from the Conflict Armament Research, the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), Ambrey, MA RISKS, Praesidium International, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Seychellois Regional Coordination Operations Centre (RCOC).

Closing remarks
The Operation Commanders highlighted the opportunity provided by this meeting to enhance the quality of the cooperation and discuss the concerns of the shipping industry. The expertise analysis over the two days and the better definition of the points of contacts to share the information among all stakeholders were some of the main takeaways. Also, the meeting has been an outstanding scenario to discuss about the different approaches to information sharing, best practices to counter any possible Threat. Therefore, it is a joint step forward in collaborating to assure the security of seafarers and the shipping lines of communication in the different Areas of Operations among all the actors involved in maritime security.

About the meeting
The 15th Industry Strategic Meeting is organised by the European Union Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) Operation ATALANTA and is co-chaired by EUNAVFOR ASPIDES and the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF), with Operation AGENOR as special guest. All together with the shipping industry to discuss about the current challenges in the maritime domain.

Source : European Union Naval Force Operation Atalanta