Côte d’Ivoire invests FCFA 85 billion to secure its sea, land and air borders

The Council of Ministers has approved Côte d’Ivoire’s National Integrated Border Management Policy (PNGIF-CI) and its action plan, announced government spokesman Amadou Coulibaly on 12 June 2024 in Abidjan.

Scheduled to run for ten years, implementation of the PNGIF-CI will require a total investment of 85 billion CFA francs for the first five years, from 2023 to 2027, the period dedicated to priority and urgent actions.

The PNGIF-CI establishes a reference framework for all State actions aimed at securing land, sea and air borders, while improving the living environment and well-being of people living in these strategic areas.

The policy has six main thrusts, including cross-border cooperation, delimitation and demarcation of national borders, securing border areas, and strengthening infrastructure and basic services in border areas.