Editorial : Maritime security, a major challenge for the development of the blue economy in Africa

“From acts of piracy to drug trafficking, illegal fishing, etc., several threats hover over the development of the blue economy in Africa and challenge the various stakeholders.

In order to effectively deal with all this, “we must not lose sight of the scourges that feed and maintain the networks of maritime insecurity, namely corruption and the absence or inadequate training of all the actors involved in the chain“, as Sophie De Sylvie DJOUFA TIEMAGNI says in the article she wrote for this magazine.

It is also important to bear in mind that “All of these threats require a global response that on the one hand coordinates legal and operational manoeuvres, and on the other hand is part of a national, regional and international framework“, according to Vice-Admiral Olivier Lebas, Commander-in-Chief for the Atlantic (CECLANT).

Let us also stress that this global response must also imperatively find solutions to the social causes of maritime insecurity, at national and regional levels.

For this second issue of our special report on maritime safety and security in Africa, we have expanded the scope of the articles to cover the whole of Africa. Maritime insecurity in the Gulf of Guinea has been drastically reduced.

Many thanks to all those who have contributed to this magazine.”

Extract from the fifth issue of our magazine Maritimafrica Mag which you can download and read by clicking here: Maritimafrica Mag #005

Enjoy your reading !


By Pascaline Odoubourou