EUCAP Nestor organizes the first short training on maritime crime for Djiboutian judges and prosecutors

On 10 and 11 February, EUCAP Nestor, in cooperation with the Djiboutian Ministry of Justice, organized the first training on “maritime crime – maritime safety and security” for Djiboutian prosecutors and judges.

Intended to fifteen Djiboutian judges, the theme of this training was about maritime crimes and this was not only to provide participants with the concept of the international legal framework of the Law of the sea, but also to raise awareness of the specificities of criminal matters in the maritime environment.

“International and national rules on the Law of the Sea are becoming increasingly important as part of our work according to the geostrategic position of our country. I hope that this workshop will lead to fruitful exchanges for all, “said the Secretary General of the Ministry of Justice, Abdi Ismael Hersi, at the opening of the training.” This workshop is the first one and will be followed by other thorough sessions organized jointly with EUCAP Nestor “.

After a presentation of the Law of the Sea and crimes likely to be committed in the maritime environment given by the Legal Adviser of the mission for Djibouti, as well as a presentation of the Coast Guard and the Navy by their respective officers, participants had the opportunity, during working groups, to discuss their own experiences in this field, their concerns and recommendations regarding the treatment of these crimes at the national level.

“I wish to remind the strategic role of Djibouti in the region and the support of the European Union with regard to initiatives of this country in the field of maritime safety and security. This first workshop will provide an overview of law which governs crimes in maritime environment “said Etienne de Poncins, Head of Mission of EUCAP Nestor on the occasion of the opening of the training.” It will allow, I hope, judges and prosecutors here today to exchange their experiences in this field between them but also with their colleagues from the Coast Guard and Navy because this workshop is to be pragmatic.”

On the occasion of the last session of the workshop, the Prosecutor of the Republic of Djibouti, Mr. Maki, shared his experience as a result of his participation in the regional working group for judges and prosecutors in the region on maritime crime and piracy that was organized by EUCAP Nestor in December 2013 in Nairobi.

This two-day workshop was particularly welcomed by Djibouti magistrates, who showed real enthusiasm and a special interest in dealing with maritime issues. They particularly appreciated the presence of representatives of the two agencies responsible for safety and maritime security, namely the Coast Guard and Navy. It was for them the opportunity to discuss concrete cases and identify possible difficulties encountered.


EUCAP Nestor is a civilian EU mission, under the Common Security and Defence Policy, that assists host countries in the Horn of Africa and Western Indian Ocean region to develop a self-sustainable capacity for enhancement of the maritime security, including counter-piracy and maritime governance.

Source & Photo : EUCAP Somalia