The event took place in the OHQ Rota on 6 July 2023.

Rota, July 6, 2023 – On 6 July, Rear Admiral Giovanni M. Galoforo (Italy) took over as Deputy Commander of Operation Atalanta from Rear Admiral Hilaire Ducelier (France), who held the command for the past six months.

The Operation Commander (OPCDR) Vice Admiral José M. Nuñez Torrente congratulated DCOM Ducellier for his outstanding contribution, commitment & friendship and expressed his best wishes for professonal & personal success. Also, OPCDR warmly welcomed RADM Galoforo as the new DCOM, highlighting his extraordinary experience & outstanding professional skills.

Rear Admiral Ducellier has served as Deputy Commander performing an exceptional contribution to achieving the objectives of the Operation and, in particular, ponting out the implementation of the 2023/2024 mandate and his role in coordinating the two recent counter-narcotics Operations conducted by the French warships DIXMUDE, LA FAYETTE and SURCOUF.

Rear Admiral Galoforo has an extensive and successful military career. Among others, from his achievements are highlighted:

-From 1994 to 2000, he served as ASW Wing – Pilot, Navigator and Crew Commander of the IT Air Force 41st Wing, Anti-Submarine Warfare in Sigonella (ITA).

-From 2010 to 2012, he was assigned to the NATO HQ Strategic Communication Cell as Deputy Head Public Diplomacy Division, in NATO HQ, Brussels (BEL).

-From 2017 to 2019, he served as Policy, Planning and Cooperation Officer of the Italian Delegation in NATO HQ, Brussels (BEL).

-Finally, from 2019 to 2023,he was assigned as StratCom Advisor -Speechwriter to the Chairman of EU Military Committee – EU Military Forum, Editor in Chief – at the EU Military Committee in Brussels (BEL).

Rear Admiral Galoforo will carry out his duties as Operation Atalanta Deputy Commander for the next six months.