• From 20 to 24 May, Operation ATALANTA conducted a joint multi-agency exercise for the first time with Kenya.
  • The main objective of this joint exercise is to enhance maritime security, cooperation and dialogue on regional peace and security issues, as well as to share knowledge among all participants.

Operation ATALANTA conducted the joint multi-agency exercise USALAMA BAHARINI for the first time with Kenya with the presence of Kenyan Navy and Kenyan Coast Guard Service.

The main objective of this joint exercise is to enhance maritime security, cooperation and dialogue on regional peace and security issues, as well as to share knowledge among all participants.

In addition, this framework has made it possible to strengthen the relationship between Kenyan naval units and EUNAVFOR ATALANTA and to increase mutual trust among participants.

The exercise was divided in two parts, the seminars and the drills at sea. The first one had different topics focusing on a legal seminar and Maritime Interdiction Operations. On the other hand, the practical exercise was used for participants to apply their knowledge in a simulated scenario. EUNAVFOR ATALANTA flagship ITS MARTINENGO participated as the simulated vessel transferring materials and personnel suspected of engaging in illicit drug and arms trafficking to various Kenyan security agencies.

The exercise was showed to distinguished authorities in a demonstration, showcasing the efforts and collaboration involved in this significant training scenario.

The exercise USALAMA BAHARINI was jointly organized by EUNAVFOR ATALANTA, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the State Department for Shipping and Maritime Affairs of the Republic of Kenya. There has also been prominent support from the EU Delegation to Kenya, with the participation of EU Ambassador HE Henriette Geiger in the different parts of the exercise.

“Kenia and the EU have a common border, which is the sea, and the security and stability of the sea is the security and stability of our societies. We must open our eyes to the sea” OPDCR VADM Villanueva Serrano.

EU Naval Force Operation ATALANTA