GHIH Signs Land Lease Agreement with Petroleum Services Company FZCO in Damerjog

On Thursday, the Chairman of Great Horn Investment Holding (GHIH) signed a land lease agreement for a 170,000-square-meter plot with Petroleum Services Company FZCO within the Djibouti Damerjog Industrial Park (DDIP).

The signing took place in the presence of His Excellency Diya-Eddin Bamakrama, Djibouti’s Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Djibouti Damerjog Industrial Park (DDIP), is focused on heavy industry in the fields of petrochemicals, metallurgy, maritime services, and construction materials. This land lease signing with Petroleum Services Company FZCO marks a pivotal development in the country’s industrial expansion.

This agreement is expected to have a significant impact on the country by:

  • Attracting further investments in the heavy industry sectors.
  • Strengthening Djibouti’s position as a key hub in the petroleum industry.
  • Training of our human capital in the petroleum field.

The land lease agreement underscores GHIH’s commitment to advancing Djibouti’s petroleum storage capabilities and highlights the investment opportunities within the DDIP.

Source : DPFZA