Madagascar : Collaboration between Blue Ventures and the RECOS project

Blue Ventures, an organization dedicated to marine conservation, recently announced a strategic collaboration with the RECOS project as part of an ambitious program focused on strengthening community-led marine conservation in the southwest of Madagascar’s Grande Île. As one of four pilot sites in Madagascar supported by the RECOS project, this joint initiative will run until 2026, with the main aim of ensuring sustainable fishing while strengthening the resilience of 1,400 fishermen spread across 13 villages in the region.

It has already enabled the creation of 2 data centers in the locally-managed Manjaboake and Teariake marine areas, the training of fishermen in marine biology and conservation, and the analysis of cartographic data to assess the impact of the project.

The RECOS project is an initiative supported by Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM), aimed at strengthening the resilience of Madagascar’s coastal communities in the face of societal challenges and climate risks.

Founded in Madagascar in 2003, Blue Ventures is an organization that helps coastal fishermen in rural and remote communities rebuild fisheries, restore ocean life and build sustainable pathways to prosperity. Blue Ventures is committed to concrete actions that include strengthening local governance structures, setting up participatory fisheries monitoring systems, and providing financial support to fishermen to build their resilience.