PMAWCA technical committee meetings open in Kribi

Photo : MINT

The opening ceremony of the technical committee meetings of the Port Management Association of West and Central Africa (PMAWCA) was held on Wednesday 19 June 2024 at the Hotel Lagon in Kribi, Cameroon, under the chairmanship of the Minister of Transport, Jean Ernest Masséna NGALLÈ BIBÉHÈ, in the presence of the Préfet de l’Océan, the Mayor of Kribi, the Secretary General of PMAWCA, the representative of the Minister of External Relations, as well as the General Managers of the National Port Authority (NPA), the Port Authority of Douala and the Port Authority of Kribi. Delegates from the association’s member countries, including Angola, Togo, Mauritania, Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and Benin, also took part in the event.

These meetings of the technical committees of the PMAWCA, namely Maritime Safety, Environmental Protection, and Operations (MSEPO); Technical Studies, Infrastructure and Development (TSID); and Liaison Officers (LOs) will take place from 19 to 21 June 2024, will provide a lever for sharing experiences and exchanging best practices with a view to more efficient port management.

In his speech, Cameroon’s Minister of Transport expressed the hope that the proceedings, which will come to a close on Friday 21 June 2024, will result in concrete and operational proposals on issues such as the safety of waste management, cases of wrecks, the problem of the availability of electrical energy in ports, the impact and prospects, and the role of Chargés d’Affaires in strengthening port cooperation.