Ship grounding of the “SPSL UDEME” off the coast of Benin

The vessel “SPSL UDEME”, flying the Belize flag, ran aground on the Beninese coast during the night of Saturday 29 to Sunday 30 June 2024, precisely at 4am, due to a mechanical failure.

According to information gathered by Bip Radio, teams from the navy, the Port Autonome de Cotonou and the Préfecture Maritime are working hard to prevent the oil carried by the vessel from spilling out and seriously polluting the waters. On site, fire-fighters, navy officials and Chinese technicians in grey overalls are working around the ship.

The police have set up a security perimeter to keep onlookers at bay and allow the response teams to work efficiently.

According to Bip Radio’s sources, the vessel, which was bound for Nigeria, is loaded with diesel. The nine-strong crew is unharmed, with no injuries or fatalities reported.