Approximately 14 local suppliers from the West Coast have benefitted from the Port of Saldanha security fencing, a reinforcement of Transnet National Ports Authority’s (TNPA’s) commitment to supplier development and promoting economic growth in port cities. The local Small, Medium, and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs) who were involved in the project range from transport associations, construction services, engineering and security services.

Shadrack Tshikalange, TNPA Port Manager at the Port of Saldanha, expressed his satisfaction with the successful practical completion of the project and its positive impact on the Saldanha Municipality.

He said: “This project symbolizes TNPA’s unwavering commitment to the communities we operate in. We are proud to have not only fortified our port facilities but also uplifted the lives of the people who call this place home. The collaboration and dedication shown by all stakeholders involved have truly made a difference.” The port fencing project is TNPA’s security intervention aimed at preventing unrestricted port access as well as ensuring the safety of port infrastructure and assets.

The installation of hightech security fencing has been completed at a contract value of R61.4 million. With 2.4 metres of steel mesh high-security fencing, plus anti-climbing of 0.3m, the ClearVu fencing is reinforced with toughened steel on every vertical flat bar and has the strength of a highsecurity fence. During project execution, a total of 136 temporary jobs have been created for the benefit of the Saldanha community.

Source : TNPA