South Africa Welcomes International Maritime Organisation Audit Team

Today, Transport Minister Sindisiwe Chikunga officially welcomed the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) audit team, which is in South Africa to carry out a mandatory audit under the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS).

South Africa, through the Department of Transport, actively collaborates with the IMO to ensure the implementation of international maritime regulations and standards within its maritime jurisdiction, and in particular compliance with the international conventions to which the country is a party.

South Africa undertook a voluntary IMSAS in 2008. In February 2016, the IMO instituted mandatory audits, and a total of 113 audits have been carried out to date with 28 African countries.

Several public bodies will be audited, including the department’s implementing agency responsible for maritime administration, the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA).

South Africa and Benin are two African countries scheduled to be audited before the end of 2023

In 1995, South Africa became a member of the IMO, a specialised United Nations agency responsible for regulating and promoting responsible maritime transport worldwide.

At the end of this one-week mission, the team will present a preliminary report on the results of the audit.