The Kingdom of Morocco and Djibouti sign a cooperation agreement in maritime and merchant marine
This Monday, November 14, 2022, took place during a meeting at the headquarters of the Ministry of Transport and Logistics of Morocco, the signing of a Cooperation Agreement on Merchant Marine between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Djibouti.
This Agreement which aims to organize and promote maritime relations between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Djibouti, to promote cooperation in maritime transport and to contribute in general to the development of economic and trade relations between the two countries was signed by Mr. Mohammed ABDELJALIL, Minister of Transport and Logistics of Morocco and Mr. Hassan HOUMED, Minister of Infrastructure and Equipment of Djibouti
Note that through this Agreement, the Kingdom of Morocco and Djibouti undertake to cooperate for the development of maritime navigation between the ports of the two countries, and to encourage the national shipping companies to take the necessary measures to ensure efficient transport services in the mutual interest of shipowners and shippers of both countries and to conclude partnerships to ensure effective participation of their fleets in maritime traffic between the two countries
By Pascaline Odoubourou