The Chief Executive Officer of the Kribi Container Terminal (KCT), Mr. David Azra, was granted audience today 22 April 2024 by the General Manager of the Cameroon National Shippers’ Council (CNSC), Mr. Auguste Mbappe Penda.

This meeting, also attended by Directors and other senior officials of the CNSC, was convened to discuss issues relating to the congestion that is progressively stalling operations at the Kribi container terminal.

Mr. David Azra underlined the urgent need to shorten container dwell times to 11 days, given that the terminal is now 95% full, with containers spending between 20 and 24 days at the terminal. To discourage such delays, he proposed that a penalty should be levied on defaulters, the amount of which would be set by the National Ports Authority.

The CNSC, well aware of the difficulties faced by shippers and the impact any additional charges could have on their cost of doing business, recommended that the administrative factors leading to congestion in the port should be eliminated and awareness raised on the subject.

Following their discussions, both parties agreed to hold another meeting with all stakeholders in the days ahead, prior to the implementation of this penalty.

Source : CNSC