The Danish Government has supported the Ghana Navy with the acquisition of a Bridge Simulator from Wartsila Voyage Limited, Finland to enhance its operational efficiency and effectiveness.

The collaboration between the Danish Defence Command and Ghana Navy moved a notch higher when a delegation, led by the Senior Product Sales Manager of Watsila Voyage, Mr Petr Olyanyuk paid a courtesy call on the Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS) Rear Admiral Issah Adam Yakubu on Wednesday 3 April 2024 at the Naval Headquarters.

The delegation is in Ghana to sign a contract between Ghana Navy and Wartsila Voyage Limited to supply a Full Mission Bridge Simulator to the Ghana Navy.

According to the Director Training at the Naval Headquarters, Captain (GN) Dennis Eghan, the Simulator will be installed at the Naval Training Command to enhance the training of sea going officers and ratings. This, he said was part of the CNS agenda to modernize training in the Navy and also make Naval Training Command and the school of Maritime Operation, a centre of excellence.

This programme is supported by the Danish Government as part of their Security Programme in the Gulf of Guinea.

The CNS warmly welcomed the delegation and congratulated them for being selected out of the three companies to supply the simulator after a thorough competitive bidding.

Rear Admiral Yakubu emphasized on the importance of the simulator to training in the Ghana Navy and urged them to produce a state-of-the-art facility to the Navy. He also informed them to work assiduously to meet the timelines set out in the contract.

The Senior Product Sales Manager on his part, thanked the CNS for hosting them, and promised to offer a professional maritime training solutions that will make the Ghana Navy training schools, a centre of excellence in the region.

Present at the meeting were the Chief Staff Officer at the Naval Headquarters, Commodore Emmanuel Kojo Atiayao, the Danish Defence Attaché to Ghana, Lt Col Lasse Sand and other Staff Officers at the Naval Headquarters.

Ghana Navy