Guinea: Port of Conakry welcomes CMA CGM’s first LNG-fuelled container ship

On Wednesday 31 July 2024, the CMA CGM Group’s first liquefied natural gas container ship, TIVOLI, docked at the Port of Conakry in Guinea. Fatoumata Binta BARRY, Chief of Staff at the Ministry of Transport, presided over the reception ceremony for this environmentally-friendly 2,000-container ship.

‘This reception ceremony for the liquefied natural gas-powered vessel in the CMA CGM Group fleet is in line with our ambition to make the Port of Conakry a competitive and attractive port in the West African sub-region and worldwide. For this first trial at the Port of Conakry, we are honoured to be included in this privileged list of major international shipping lines in which CMA CGM is a major player,’ said Mamadou Biro Diallo, Managing Director of the Port Autonome de Conakry.

‘This noble commitment by the CMA CGM Group, aimed at passing on a healthy and liveable planet to future generations, is fully in line with the Guinean Government’s vision, in line with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030,’ said Mrs Fatoumata Binta BARRY, Chief of Staff at the Ministry of Transport.

To tackle climate change, the Ministry of Transport is encouraging its partners to opt for an environmentally-friendly solution by commissioning new-generation ships using renewable energy.