Marine renewable energies

Also known as “blue energy“, Marine Renewable Energies (MRE) are energy sources produced by the oceans, waves, tides, currents, marine biomass, winds and the temperature difference between the surface water and the deep sea.

  1. Hydropower

Hydropower is a form of renewable energy generated from the force of moving water, such as ocean currents or tides. The energy is extracted using underwater turbines or similar devices that convert the kinetic energy of the water into electrical energy. 

      2. Tidal energy

Tidal energy is a form of renewable energy that is produced by the force of the tides. It is generated by exploiting the difference in height between rising and falling tides. Tidal energy plants use dams that capture seawater at high tide and release it to produce energy at low tide. This energy is converted into electricity by turbines, which are driven by the force of the moving water.

     3. Osmotic energy

Osmotic energy is a form of renewable energy that exploits the difference in salinity between seawater and freshwater to generate electricity. This difference in salinity creates an osmotic pressure that can be used to generate energy. The process of generating osmotic energy involves the use of a semi-permeable membrane that separates salt water from fresh water. Salt water is placed on one side of the membrane, while fresh water is placed on the other side. The fresh water flows through the membrane to dilute the salt water, creating osmotic pressure. This osmotic pressure can be used to produce electrical energy by passing water through a turbine that is connected to a generator.

     4. Ocean thermal energy

Ocean thermal energy, is a form of renewable energy that exploits the temperature difference between surface and deep seawater to generate electricity. This temperature difference can be caused by ocean currents, winds, air temperature variations, or natural phenomena such as tides.

     5. Wave energy 

Wave energy is a form of renewable energy that is produced from the force of waves. It is also known as wave energy. The principle of operation is relatively simple: devices are placed in the water to capture the force of the wave and transform it into electricity. There are several types of wave energy devices, such as floats, oscillators, buoys or wave plates. All work in a similar way, using the force of the wave to generate electricity.

     6. Marine biomass energy

Marine biomass energy is energy produced from living organisms and organic matter found in oceans, seas and rivers. It is produced from a variety of sources, including algae, macrophytes, micro-organisms and organic waste. There are several methods of harnessing energy from marine biomass. One of the most common methods is the production of biofuels from algae, which are grown in ponds or photobioreactors. The algae produce oils that can be converted into biofuels such as biodiesel and bioethanol. Another method is to use energy generators from ocean currents, waves and tides. These generators can produce electricity from the kinetic energy of water movements.

     7. Offshore wind energy

In fact, offshore wind energy is not marine renewable energy. This is because the energy used is not from the sea, but rather from the wind. Offshore wind energy, also known as offshore wind energy, is the use of the wind blowing over the ocean to produce electricity. Offshore wind turbines are installed on floating platforms or on foundations fixed to the ocean floor. This energy is harnessed through the use of turbines and generators, which convert thermal energy into electricity.