Maritimafrica Mag #006

Discover the sixth issue of Maritimafrica Mag, our media lighthouse illuminating the sometimes turbulent waters of the African maritime industry.

This 72-page issue, rich in content and perspectives, navigates through the most important currents shaping our sector.

Maritime Africa is at a crossroads. On one hand, we face considerable challenges: the security of port facilities, ocean pollution, and the pressing need to reduce our carbon footprint. On the other hand, we see unprecedented opportunities emerging: the rise of technologies like the Internet of Things for maritime safety, the untapped potential of African coastal shipping, and the promises of marine renewable energy.

This issue of Maritimafrica perfectly captures this duality. We explore how artificial intelligence and IoT can revolutionize maritime safety and pollution prevention. We examine coastal shipping as a lever for economic independence and sustainable development. And we look at the challenges our shipowners face in light of tightening international standards.

But beyond technologies and regulations, it’s the men and women who bring our industry to life. That’s why we have highlighted the inspiring journey of Ms. Lysney Vanessa NGOUMBA, Ship Captain.”

The translation maintains the formal yet engaging tone of the original French text while preserving the maritime metaphors and technical terminology. Would you like me to elaborate on any part of the translation?

Click here to read and download the magazine