Mauritius joins IMO CARES Maritime Technology Global Challenge

Mauritius has been named as the fourth participating nation in the IMO CARES (Coordinated Actions to Reduce Emissions from Shipping) Maritime Technology Global Challenge.
The Challenge invites technology providers to propose market ready decarbonization technologies to reduce GHG emissions from domestic shipping and ports in Africa and the Caribbean.
Mauritius joins Namibia, St Kitts and Nevis, and Trinidad and Tobago as participating countries for the challenge. The Mauritius Ports Authority is particularly interested in solutions that will reduce its port emissions, in order to optimise its port operations in line with the Mauritius Green Port initiatives.
“We are thrilled to welcome Mauritius as the second African country in the IMO CARES Maritime Technology Global Challenge,” said Anton Rhodes, Project Manager of IMO CARES. “Their participation provides a wider platform to assess the suitability of market ready decarbonisation solutions for ports in least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing States (SIDs) – and will pave the way for other ports in the region to have greater confidence in existing pathways to lower their GHG emissions.”
The winners of the challenge will each receive USD $15,000 to $30,000 and technical support to put together in-depth proposals for how their technological solutions can help the four countries green their domestic shipping and port sectors. The winners of the challenge will be announced in March.
The completed proposals are scheduled to be submitted by June 2024. Additional funds of approximately $500,000 will be available at a later stage for the demonstration of the winning technologies in each participating country, under the Global Maritime Technology Cooperation Centre (MTCC) Network (GMN II) project.
IMO CARES is an IMO-implemented project funded by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It focuses on technology solutions for domestic shipping (under 5,000 GT) and ports specifically in LDCs and SIDs via the regional MTCCs. Find out more about the project on the IMO CARES website.
Source : IMO