The PHA Tonnerre seizes 4.6 tons of cocaine in the Gulf of Guinea

On November 30, 2022, under the direction of the Maritime Prefect of the Atlantic and the Public Prosecutor of Brest, the PHA Tonnerre of the French Navy, seized 4607 kilograms of cocaine from a tugboat in the Gulf of Guinea.

This operation was carried out on the basis of information transmitted by the Anti-Drug Office (OFAST) of the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police (DCPJ). This transmission took place within the framework of an international investigation conducted in partnership with the Brazilian Federal Police and the DEA, coordinated by EUROPOL, in collaboration with the Maritime Intelligence Operational Centre for Drugs (MAOC-N), an international coordination agency based in Lisbon.

The 21.5 meter long vessel was under special surveillance. In the early morning of Wednesday, November 30, supported by a Navy Falcon 50 seconded to Dakar, Senegal, and two helicopters on board, the PHA Tonnerre’s visiting team intervened on board, basing its action on the provisions of international law, in particular the Montego Bay Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Vienna Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances.

The flag investigation conducted on board revealed that the vessel was probably Brazilian, which was confirmed by the Brazilian authorities who quickly authorized the French Navy to continue the visit of the vessel. The sailors of the PHA Tonnerre were thus able to conduct a search of the ship’s premises. Bales containing cocaine were discovered.

This seizure represents some 4,607 kilograms of cocaine with a total value of approximately 150 million Euros according to OFAST estimates. The seized products were destroyed on board, before the vessel was returned to its base port in Toulon.

The perfect cooperation between the national and international actors of the fight against drugs, supported by the diplomatic network of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), allowed this notable result. It illustrates the effectiveness of the French organization of the State’s action at sea in the fight against drug trafficking.

Since the beginning of October, the PHA Tonnerre has been involved in Operation Corymbe to contribute to maritime security and fight against illicit activities in the Gulf of Guinea in conjunction with its African and European partners. The PHA Tonnerre has a crew of 227 sailors, including a team of marine fusiliers specialized in controlling ships at sea, as well as an Army embarked tactical group.

For this operation, the PHA Tonnerre mobilized its helicopters, notably: a Panther from the French Navy (36F squadron) but also an Army Cougar (5th combat helicopter regiment) embarked for the mission. It also received support from the French Navy’s Falcon 50 aircraft (24F squadron) deployed in Dakar.

Over the past two months, the PHA Tonnerre also took part in the Grand African NEMO maritime security exercise, as well as several amphibious exercises with the armed forces of Senegal, the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria and Gabon. It also hosted some twenty officers from the navies of the Gulf of Guinea for ten days as part of an onboard school.

Source and photos : Embassy of France in Brazil