Webinar: Improving Regional Fisheries Governance and Sustainability through Transparency — focus on Western Indian Ocean tuna fisheries

The Friday, 20th November 2020 will take place a webinar under the theme :” Improving Regional Fisheries Governance and Sustainability through Transparency — focus on Western Indian Ocean tuna fisheries

This webinar organised by the Southern African Development Community to commemorate World Fisheries Day will look at critical issues facing the WIO tuna fisheries. Experts will discuss regional and global perspectives through the following presentations:

The overlooked issue of unregulated fishing in the Indian Ocean: a threat for the entire fish food web? – Antonia Leroy (WWF-EU)

Compliance with IOTC conservation and management measures in the SWIO region – Umair Shaid (WWF-Mozambique)

Moving Tuna: transhipment in the Western Indian Ocean – Sandy Davies (Stop Illegal Fishing)

You can register on this link: https://wwf.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Uh3Kx1POTeWVI0swyQg3DQ