ZMAtO 22 : Unprecedented hydrographic cooperation between France and Nigeria

© Marine nationale

After its hydrographic work in Pointe-Noire Bay during the month of May, the hydrographic ship (HV) Borda, deployed on the ZMAtO mission in the Gulf of Guinea, carried out a supply trip with the supply ship Anuket Jade, a first for a hydrographic ship of this type, before heading to Nigeria for hydrographic cooperation.

The Borda docked in Lagos (Nigeria) on June 3 for a 4-day cooperation in the field of hydrography. This long awaited exchange was an opportunity to train with Nigeria in the field of hydrography, a country with ambitions to become a major and recognized hydrographic actor in West Africa and in the international community.

After a visit of the Nigerian hydrographic vessel NNS Lana by the French sailors, followed by a visit of the BH Borda by the crew of the NNS Lana, a theoretical training was given to the sailors of the Lana by the team of the hydrographic service of the navy (Shom) embarked on the French ship. At the same time, a joint dive between the two BHs was conducted in order to set up a tide gauge, an essential instrument for measuring the water level at a given moment in order to relate it to the hydrographic chart datum.

The two following days at sea consisted in putting into practice the theoretical training given the day before at the quay. These exchanges constitute the first stone of a cooperation between France and Nigeria in the field of hydrography.

The objective of the Borda mission in ZMAtO 22 (Eastern Atlantic Maritime Zone) is to carry out hydrographic work in the zones identified jointly by the navy’s headquarters, the navy’s hydrographic and oceanographic service (SHOM), its employing authority, and in conjunction with the coastal countries of the Gulf of Guinea with which France has signed agreements in this area.

Source : French Navy