ARRIVAL OF BUNKERING service VESSELS to SCZONE’s ports in preparation of launching the service within days
The Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZONE) announced, this morning, the arrival of bunkering service vessels in the waiting area of Port Said port to start the necessary preparations for launching the bunkering services within days at SCZONE affiliated ports. This comes within the framework of Egypt’s transformation into a regional hub for providing marine services and ship bunkering to lead energy trading regionally and play a vital role in the bunkering global map.
”The national committee, entrusted with studying and designing the new marine services system for bunkering, has finished setting the technical and legal standards to start launching this service likewise the global hubs in supplying ships in Singapore, Fujairah, and Rotterdam. The committee includes members from SCZONE, the Suez Canal Authority, the Ministry of Petroleum, and the Ministry of Transport.” Mr. Waleid Gamal El-Dien, chairman of SCZONE declared
“The CRONUS FUEL SUPPLY UNIT (FSU) of displacement of 150K tons , and two supply barges are currently at anchor at the waiting area of portsaid port. awaiting final procedures to start operations the service within days. The two supply barges are ANDROS, with a tonnage of 4K tons, and KYTHIRA, with a tonnage of 6K tons. We are finishing the preparations inside the waiting area in Port Said port to start operating the service within days.” Mr. Waleid Gamal El-Dien added.
Source : SCZONE