Liberia : Second Fish Stock Assessment Set for 2024

The government of Liberia through the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority, NaFAA and the Government of Morocco have begun preparations ahead of the conduct of the second fisheries stock assessment on Liberian waters.

The preparatory works began Friday December 1, 2023 following the arrival of a high-power technical fisheries delegation from the Kingdom of Morocco. The second independent stock assessment will take place in mid-January 2024 with technical assistance from the Moroccan government.

The visit of the Moroccan technical delegation to Liberia, a NaFAA press release is quoted as saying “is predicated upon the need to implement the MoU signed recently between the government of Liberia through NaFAA and the Moroccan government ministry of Aquaculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forestry for the conduct of a fish stock assessment in the Exclusive Zone (EEZ) of Liberia.”